Thursday, February 4, 2010

Operation Weight Loss

I've been going back and forth about weither or not I want to blog about my weightloss journey and I came to the conculsion that the more people I am to be accoutable to the better. I am excited and nervous at the same time. It's so hard for me because I do not have strong will power. I told Curtis that this is the time that I wish I was working so I wouldn't be home all day and be close to the refrigerator. I wish we could get rid of all the snacks in the house but with a 1 1/2 old in the house that needs the extra calories that is out of the question.
So, on Tuesday February 2 I started my high protein diet and once a week I go to A Doctor's Weightloss Clinic (it was a fraction of the cost that Lindora wanted to charge) where I recieve my B12 shot and weigh-in. I signed up for 8 weeks and I will see where I am after that. I am very fortunate that I have a good support team already in place. Curtis and his mom are joining me on the diet.
On Tuesday I weighed in at 246.3. This is very hard for me to admit to myself let alone anyone who will be reading this. But that is reality. My goal is to be at 200 in that 8 weeks. But my overall goal is to get down to 160. So for those of you who are trying to do the math in your head that makes my weighloss goal 46.3 pounds in 8 weeks and an overall weighloss goal of 86 pounds. I am also working out using the Biggest Loser Wii game and walking.
Days 1-3:
Day 1 went pretty good. I wasn't too hungry, I just didn't have a whole lot of energy. Day 2 was okay. I noticed after I worked out in the afternoon I was light headed and felt sick to my stomach. But, after laying down for 10 minutes I was feeling much better. But let me tell you the caffenie headache kicked in that night and I was pretty hungry and grouchy. For the first time in a long time I went to bed when Megan did. So today is day 3 and it is going much much better. I woke-up with more energy and actually started out my day with my workout. I think I will be doing my workout in the mornings from now on. I've been able to keep my energy all day instead of petering out about this time. I think I'm going to go take Megan for a walk to the park.
Until next time.


Unknown said...

This is so amazing that you are sharing this. I am working out now too. Good luck to us both!

Kathy Dean

Hope said...

You know, you inspired me the first time when we joined Weight Watchers together and I lost 30 lbs. You're inspiring me again. I wish we were closer. I need a walking buddy! Someone to keep ME accountable.
Thanks for posting this! I love you and I know you can do it!!!!