Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weigh In #1

Week 1 is now in the books. Today I weighed in at 236. That is 10 pounds down 36 more to go for goal #1. I must say this weigh in was what I needed. I had a rough day yesterday and was feeling pretty down because I just didn't feel like I had made a whole lot of progress. I knew I had made some because my watch and rings are loose now but I just wanted more. I guess that's a good thing; wanting more because that will keep me motivated.
The week went pretty well. Superbowl sucked though. I knew I was going to fudge a little bit but I felt so guilty about it. It's so funny because I didn't even fudge as much as Curtis did and he lost has much as I did. I was so mad. He had a couple of drinks and a dessert and all I had was some extra carne asada and a couple chips. I wish I could remain in denial that guys lose weight MUCH faster than women!

Like I said in my last blog the fist 3 days were by far the hardest. I was grouchy, moody and hungry. Well after those 3 days I got to add fruit and vegetables back to the plate. I've always been a vegetable girl but I don't think I was ever so excited to be eating broccoli. I have been working out everyday on my Wii Fit to The Biggest Loser Game and I am loving it. I think if you have the Wii Fit you need to have this game. It is AWESOME! It is so funny because I was trying to workout while Megan was eating breakfast but that only worked for a couple days. She realized that I wasn't paying attention to her she dumped her full cereal bowl all over her. So, I tried to workout while she was playing but she felt the need to stand on the balance board with me or try and do the exercises with me but while standing right on top of me. So, now I wait until her nap time. It makes for a much safer workout. What I need to start doing is working walking in the morning and then working out in the afternoon. I'm just such a baby and don't want to walk in the cold especially with Megan. But I need to get over that and just do it. So you guys need to hold me to it.
I just want to thank everyone for the support, it means so much to me!

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